I spent a great deal of my Christmas shopping looking for a particular present that I never found. For months I searched. I even had the in-laws searching for me too. You see Porter wanted a Cabbage Patch Kid but he wanted a BOY. And come to find out, it is nearly impossible to find a male Cabbage Patch Kid in stores anywhere near Podunk, Kansas but Porter desperately wanted one. (Logan has a
boy Cabbage Patch, I'm sure you remember, named Frank. Which why Porter needed one too!) Luckily facebook came to our rescue! One little post on facebook and I had my choice of three within an hour of posting.
Meet a very excited Porter and his
little buddy... um... Porter. |
The best part of this whole story is the convo I had with my son after a couple of hours with his new friend.
Mommy: "What are you going to name your little guy?"
Porter: "Hmm... I name him Porter!"
Mommy: "You're gonna name him Porter? Why Porter?"
Porter: "Cause Porter's the best name."
Logan: "What about Logan?"
Porter: "Umm... It's ok but not as good as Porter."
Happy Wednesday everyone. Feel free to link up below.
Peace Out!
These are the chicas I hook up with every week. Every. One.