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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Seven Dirty Words

            I love George Carlin.  I actually met him once—he’s was very nice, kinda quiet but then he would just make these observations that were hilarious!  I saw him perform the “Seven Dirty Words” bit when I was in college and again in Vegas ten year later.  I never thought that a million years and a lifetime later I, myself would be making a list of the Seven Dirty Words That You Can’t Say in Front of a Child, especially one that has echolalia tendencies.  

For those who don’t know….

ech·o·la·li·a /ekōlālēə/ Noun
  1. Meaningless repetition of another person's spoken words as a symptom of psychiatric disorder.
  2. Repetition of words or phrases, usually with little or no comprehension. Echolalia may occur immediately after the phrases have been said, or may be delayed and occur some time later.
         My daughter suffers from echolalia.  It is another one of those fabulous autism symptoms that no one knows about.  And I know that all children invariably say things that they have overheard their parents say; usually at the most inopportune times.  This really is different.  In our circumstance, Myriam uses the phrases in the place of real language or as a self regulating behavior, and in that respect it is a lot like stimming.  Needless to say we have a real need to monitor what comes out of our mouths, because there really is no way to keep in check what comes out of hers. 

So without further ado….

The Seven Dirty Words
1.      Butt
2.      Stink
3.      Underwear
4.      Stupid
5.      Poop
6.      Fart
7.      I can’t do it!  (It’s a phrase, I know.  But I got sick of listening to Porter whine so I banned it from our house.)

I know it’s not nearly as exciting as George Carlin’s list (I’m sure I’m not going to get thrown in jail for uttering any of my words) but I am dealing with four and five year olds here, and Potty Talk at this age is racy stuff, indeed!
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