15 December 2011

Writer's Workshop: Nativity Scene

3.) Your nativity scene.

     This is what my nativity scene should look like. (It was a gift from the Hubby a couple of years ago. It replaced a dearly loved creche that was lost during a move.) And when I say "supposed to look like" I say that because my nativity scene usually looks like this....

     For those of you that don't know, I have three children ages 5, 4, and 4. Which is why it typically looks like this. Well, minus the pair of underwear that found it's way on the roof of the stable somehow that I removed before I took the picture. What is with underwear absolutely everywhere? Let's take a closer look, shall we?

  1. I know that Myriam is the one doing this because she is the only one that would think to replace Baby Jesus with a mini-Lalaloopsy and the donkey with a My Little Pony.
  2. That would be the Angel Rapunzel. I especially like that she added the barrette wings.
  3. If you look closely you will notice that one of those wise men is in fact a fireman.
  4. This one I think is both the funniest and most clever. You know he's a wise man because his name is "BRAINY" Smurf.
I hope you enjoyed OUR Nativity scene!
Peace (On Earth) Out!
And as always (on Thursdays) this post was inspired by Mama Kat's Pretty Much World Famous Writing Workshop.
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